Alachua County Agricultural Stats

Alachua County agriculture is a key leader for the economy. The Agriculture, Natural Resources, and related industries are ranked:

3rd largest employer
4th in total value added of all industries
5th among all industry groups in outputs
3rd in exports


Alachua County agriculture created 37,147 jobs (full and part-time) and counted for 23.4% of total county employment. Each job in agriculture generates an additional 1.12 jobs in the county.

Alachua County agriculture generated more than $284 million in business sales. For every dollar of agriculture sales, an additional $1.80 is generated in other parts of Alachua County’s economy.

Alachua County has more than 39,000 head of cattle and an overall livestock (cattle, goats, horses, swine) value of $27,038,000. The crop value (vegetables, row crops, nursery, greenhouses) is $65,039,000.

Overall Alachua County agriculture has a value added impact of $255.4 million.

According to the USDA Ag Census, out of the 67 Florida counties Alachua County agriculture ranks:

1 – Tobacco

1 – Pecans (2,400 acres)

2 – Goats (3,400 head)

4 – Forage production (20,803 acres)

4 – Grains, oilseeds, beans, peas (green bean production) (5,000 acres)

5 – Equine (3,300 head)

6 – Corn for grain (2,700 acres)

8 – Colonies of bees (10,589 colonies)